Friday, February 4, 2011

Band: Elvenking
Song: Seasonspeech
Album: Heathenreel

Another one of my favorite songs from the same album.

Voice of Fall: Damnagoras
Summerplunge: Pauline Tacey
Spirit of Spring: Laura de Luca
Wintersoul: Jarpen

F: We're going to tell the tale of tales
Su: Are you sure? Or a little story of fancy
F: Seamen W: Dreamen F: Listen all!
W & Sp: The Fall begins his speech

F: So I bring rest upon the earth
Sp: With my seed, wealdcover all thy hearthstones
W: Soothing Su: Trimming W: Hum to sleep!
F & Su: The ornaments of woodnotes!

(Su: Night surrounds, we're roaming through the shades of forgotten fairytales)

Sp: Can you hear the rhymes of winds?
F: The chant of leaves that fall?
W: No, no don't let me fall! F: Be quiet you!
F & Sp: The renaissance of the seals

I rest...

I rest upon the riverbank, worshiper of my thrills
The crackling of the dead leaves counts the steps

that lead me to the sea

Listen to this rigmarole, wake up and follow
Undertone, along with me, it's just a hint murmuring sigh
Hushing the plains for miles it comes from nowhere
I'm aware of my communion, I'll dance from nightfall an' evermore

Su: Look, winter's cloak is numbing all
F: Don't be a fool, you're doing it out of spite!
(Sp: You're unfair!)
W: Whiten, now all is white
Su: But soon you'll pass away

Twitch and twirl, the Wintersoul whirled past us in silence

like a passing whim so...
Woke, reborn, a seed to be swallowed
by the soil caressed in morning's light veils

Twitch and twirl, the Wintersoul has passed dimensions so
Cruel, reborn, no more forlorn...dimensions so cruel

I rest upon the riverbank, worshiper of my thrills
The crackling of the dead leaves counts the steps
that lead me to the sea

Listen to this rigmarole, wake up and follow
Undertone, along with me, it's just a hint murmuring sigh
Hushing the plains for miles it comes from nowhere
I'm aware of my communion, I'll dance from nightfall an' evermore

A piece of a dream, the feel of being part within!
Dream up your own temptation
A piece of a dream, the feel of being part of it!
Build up your own temptation for me!

Cherished and mantled by the open sea
The waves, ebbs and flows are now singing with me
And soundless the sky frays over the land
While a million stars, watch over all men
While a million stars, watch over all men through the lands

Listen to this rigmarole, wake up and follow
Undertone, along with me, it's just a hint murmuring sigh
Hushing the plains for miles it comes from nowhere
I'm aware of my communion, I'll dance from nightfall an' evermore
Listen to this rigmarole, wake up and follow
Undertone, along with me, it's just a hint murmuring sigh
Hushing the plains for miles it comes from nowhere
I'm aware of my communion, I'll dance from nightfall an' evermore

Night surrounds, we're roaming through the shades
of forgotten fairytales
We have told the tale of tales
I will rest upon the earth
The Wintersoul will pass away


  1. Not my kind of metal... but metal nevertheless! And yes, expect a lot of metal from Marksants Rants mate!

  2. I like The divided heart more but the instrumental here is really really great

  3. What are the letters before the lyric in each line? Is that the person's name?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @ Metal: Yes this is the beginning, hopefully I'll hit some stuff you like, haha. Probably won't but for a bit as there is a lot of folk I like.

    @ Pantheon: That's a catchy, emotional song. I don't know if you have but hopefully you've explored their earlier stuff.

    @ Chris: Yes of who is singing that line.
